The employer's obligation of safety of result with regard to his disabled employee
Par Flavien SALGADO
Posté le: 07/09/2021 12:19
Recognition of the status of disabled worker was introduced by the Gazier law of November 23, 1957, then completed by the law of July 10, 1987 and the law of February 11, 2005 on the freedom to choose one's professional future, which gives the Commission for Rights and Autonomy exclusive jurisdiction over recognition of the status of disabled worker. Henceforth, the law sets the rate of employment of disabled workers at 6% for companies with at least 20 employees, and therefore an employment obligation in their favor. The objective of the law is to allow the integration and inclusion of disabled people in the workplace, in order to facilitate their working conditions.
Working conditions are defined in article L.4121-1 of the French Labor Code as the measures to be taken by the employer to ensure "the safety and protect the physical and mental health of workers", in particular by informing and training them in occupational risks. Therefore, it must be recognized that the said article sets an obligation of safety of result for the employer, both concerning the health of his employee and his safety and working conditions.
The latest law concerning the recognition of the status of disabled worker is the law of September 5, 2018. This law amends Article L.5213-2 of the French Labor Code and provides that "when the disability is irreversible, the status of disabled worker is permanently attributed."
Under the provisions of article L.4624-1 paragraph 6 of the French Labor Code, "any employee may, when he or she anticipates a risk of unfitness, request a medical examination with the aim of initiating a process to maintain his or her employment".
In order to ensure the integration, the safety and the health of the disabled worker, that is say to ensure his well-being and his blooming, the employer has the obligation to adapt or to transform the position of the disabled person, by taking into consideration the criteria set up in the aforementioned article, in its paragraph 4, such as age, mental and physical health as well as the physical resistance, the working conditions and the professional risks which can take place
As a result of the medical recommendations of the occupational medicine, the employer is forced to find a position corresponding to the employee's qualifications or to adapt the position and prove the consideration of the said recommendations. In this sense, the Conseil de Prud'Hommes de Saint Denis, in a ruling dated July 28, 2017, recognized that the employer's refusal to take appropriate measures regarding the reasonable accommodation of the working conditions of the employee recognized as a disabled worker, as enshrined in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and in Directive 2000/78/EC of November 27, 2000 transposed by the French law of February 11, 2005, is a breach of its obligation of safety of result and constitutes discrimination related to the person's disability.
Nevertheless, although Article L452-1 of the French Social Security Code recognizes that the victim or his or her right-holder are entitled to additional compensation in the event of inexcusable fault on the part of the employer, the 2nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation, in a decision of October 10, 2019, argues that the burden of proof falls on the worker who, in addition to proving recent medical elements, must prove that his or her employer was aware of his or her situation.